Ladies Guild
Guild Officers
President: Kathy Kilzer
Vice President: Nancy Quandt
Secretary: Dian Centers
Treasurer: Sarah Marsaglia
The organization has a threefold purpose.
- To serve as an aid to the church.
- To serve as an aid to the pastors.
- To promote Christian fellowship and service.
When joining Pilgrim’s Faith Family, all ladies are automatically members of the Guild. There are no dues or assessments. We encourage all Pilgrim women who are interested in Christian service and fellowship to invite other Pilgrims, and friends outside our Faith Family, to attend and share in our fellowship.
Feel free to call the Church office (877-2444). The key to keeping our Guild successful is volunteering to serve the Lord with a willing and happy heart. Ladies Guild offers many opportunities for service and fellowship.
Ps. 103:21 “Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.”
Each lady in our congregation is invited to have and use a small cardboard box we call the “Mission Box”. Its like a small bank for any extra money you want to contribute for mission work.
These boxes are on Guild table in the Narthex. You may leave your box in the basket and pick up another. As the story in the Scripture tells about the “widow’s mite,” we too find that it is not how much we give but the attitude of our heart when we offer our “mite.”
The 12 Guilds making up Ladies Guild
- Bible & Prayer Guild promotes enjoyable use of the Holy Bible at the Guild meetings and in our daily lives. It encourages people to attend one of the Wednesday morning Bible study offered at noon.
- Prayer Chain unites members in imploring God’s aid for our needs and in giving thanks to him.
- Chancel Guild cares for chancel furnishings such as our candlesticks and alter permanents, prepares for and cleans up after Communion, Baptisms and weddings.
- Hospitality Guild creates a welcoming atmosphere for members as well as guests. They also keep in touch with members in the military, letting them know they are in our prayers. This Guild is responsible for making coffee and tea for our “coffee and donut time” after the first service on Sunday. The members also schedule Coffee Servers and Greeters to welcome people as they arrive for our Sunday services.
- Kitchen Guild is responsible for congregational dinners and all receptions including for weddings. In addition this Guild in charge of the Easter Breakfast and the reception following the Children’s Christmas Program.
- Library Guild selects books for our library and supervises borrowing of material while maintaining books in good repair.
- Missions Guild distributes mite money to various missions supported by the Ladies Guild. The Braille Center is part of the Guild as some members work at the Braille Center the first Thursday of each month.
- Nursery Guild launders crib sheets and sees that toys are kept in good repair.
- Program Guild plans varied programs for each Guild meeting throughout the year.
- Quilting Circle meets each Thursday morning at 8. All women of the church are invited to quilt.
- Sunshine Guild visits and/or sends cards to members, friends, shut-ins, bereaved, and newlyweds. They take alter flowers to the sick and provide funeral dinners. This Guild keeps in contact with Pilgrims who are in the hospital.